"Mother's Milk" explores the deep bond that all mammals share through the nourishment of milk, while also addressing the societal taboos surrounding milk, especially human milk. This series goes beyond species differences to celebrate the importance of motherhood and the life-giving sustenance it provides.
The project challenges viewers to rethink their perceptions of milk, a fundamental element of life. The photographs contrast natural milk with the artificiality of modern consumption, showing our growing detachment from nature and the impact of relying on heavily processed materials.
"Mother's Milk" highlights the exploitation of natural resources and the commercialisation of essential life-sustaining elements; the flowers are grown solely for the purpose of being cut. The project emphasises how we recklessly exploit nature for human benefit, illustrating our disconnect from the natural world.
The project invites viewers to reflect on their relationship with nature and the elements. It serves as a reminder of our connection to the natural world and the importance of understanding its power.
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