"Time to Pretend" explores the lived experiences of people within the LGBTQIA+ community, using imagery and video to depict the challenges queer individuals face as they navigate societal norms and expectations. The project delves into real-life mental health issues within the queer community, aiming to raise awareness about the ongoing need for change and acceptance in mainstream society. Despite progress, the LGBTQIA+ community still grapples with discrimination, isolation, and the weight of social expectations.
Throughout the images and video, symbolism and metaphors are woven in, drawn from research to help ensure authenticity and depth. The elements serve to create various of layers and meaning to the visual narrative throughout. 
"Time to Pretend" is a call to action, urging society to acknowledge, celebrate, and uplift the diverse experiences and voices within the queer community. It advocates for a future where acceptance, understanding, and love prevail.
//ft in Source magazine
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